Friday, December 20, 2013

Viral Mudroom Renovation

Here's my latest DIY video; "Viral Mudroom Renovation". I filmed it with my Canon Rebel T1i, edited, wrote, voiced and produced. Visit

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus

I narrated this short film.

The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus premiers tonight at 8 pm CST/9 pm EST

I'm very excited about the Premier of "Hedge Hoggin'; The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus" tonight at 9 pm EST on YouTube. I narrate this hilarious short film featuring Jeremy Spencer and Bobby Watson as Uncle Colt and Cletus, Ron Jeremy as himself, and Verne Troyer as a Genie. Take a 10 minute breather at 9 pm tonight and take a look. If you like the film, please share it on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Adventure of Uncle Colt and Cletus premiers tomorrow on YouTube!

"Hedge Hoggin'; The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus" premiers tomorrow on YouTube at 8 pm CST. I narrate this slap stick short film featuring Jeremy Spencer as Uncle Colt and Bobby Watson as Cletus. Jeremy is the drummer for Five Finger Death Punch. The film also features 70s Porn Star Ron Jeremy and Verne Troyer of Austin Powers fame.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Seguin Falls 2013

Here's a lighthearted short film about my recent trip to Seguin Falls. I made this film to please my wife. :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Slice of Life

Check out my latest film! I shot it on location at the cottage where I vacation every year with my friends. I decided to make it a little creepy, but really this is basically a live action slide show of my most recent vacation. Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus Screened Well in LA Hollyshorts Film Festival!

Here's a snippet of the film I narrated earlier this year. It's from last night's screening at the Hollyshorts Film Festival in LA. Click on this link to view!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

New How To Video in the works!

I am currently finishing off a renovation in my home that I have been documenting with my video camera. I'll be posting a video of the transformation with the next two to three weeks. I take a boring room in my house and give it energy. The difference is stunning. Keep checking back for the video. I'll be announcing it on Facebook and Twitter once ready.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bring The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus to Toronto!

I am excited that that The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus might be entered in the 2013 Toronto International Short Film Festival. I still haven't seen the finished film complete with my narration.  It would be an absolute thrill to see it play on the big screen in Toronto. I will be posting updates regarding tisff.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Good luck Uncle Colt and Cletus!

I wish I could be in Las Vegas today for the Las Vegas Film Festival so that I could see The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus. I still have yet to see the final cut. Can't wait for it to be released to the public later this year! Good luck boys! You gonna need it!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus

If you're going to be in Las Vegas on Friday July 19th, 2013, you should order tickets to see The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus at the Las Vegas Film Festival...

The gruff sounding hill-billy doing the narration is me!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bathroom Caulk

Here is my latest "How to" video. I show how to remove mouldy old caulking and replace it with fresh new caulking.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Here's a video I produced and voiced using test footage shot with my digital slr. I did my best to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Rain Barrels and Water Conservation

Here's a short video I did about the rain barrels I set up my back yard recently. Rain barrels are a great way to conserve water.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Bernie Howgate rang my doorbell today. He was holding a book in his hand. He explained to me that he is from Newfoundland and that it is a tradition in Newfoundland for authors to brag about their published books door to door. I was suspicious. Who is this man with long grey hair with the backpack full of books darkening my door? I was completely taken off guard and dumbfounded. Bernie prattled on in his charming Yorkshire accent and when he determined that I wasn't interested he said; "Don't worry about it", turned on his heel and left. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. I just had a feeling that this man has an interesting story. It turns out he has self published a few books about his adventures. I'm writing this post with the hope that Bernie might one day ring your doorbell. I encourage you to engage this interesting character. Offer him a glass of water and buy a copy of the book he is currently selling; "Tales of a Traveling Man" about his 8 year solo bicycle trip around the world. Here is a current picture of Bernie:

 If you answer the door and see this man don't pass judgement. You are meeting a Canadian celebrity.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hear the real voice of "Craft Beer Revolution"!

Here's a little sound file that I produced using audio from a bunch of radio interviews that Joe Wiebe did to promote craft beer in B.C. and to promote his new book; "Craft Beer Revolution; The Insider's Guide to B. C. Breweries".


Friday, May 24, 2013

I have a credit on IMDb!

I now have a credit on IMDb for my role as narrator for The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus. I had to use my full name, Matthew Alexander Swanson, because there are so many actors named Matt Swanson. I would have had to use Matt Swanson (X), which just seems wrong some how. I hope to add many more credits to my IMDb profile, so remember Matthew Alexander Swanson!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cash Flow and Human Capital

Life is constantly throwing curve balls and introducing new challenges. We gain all kinds of experience from different areas of our lives and develop our human capital. Once we reach a certain age it becomes clear that if we don't pursue our passions we may never achieve our dreams. Our human capital can play a major role in helping us reach our goals. 

Since 2nd year University at Ryerson back in 1991 I have had the dream of becoming a voice actor.  I worked in radio for many years where I honed my voice acting abilities. But life took a crazy turn in 2000. I lost my radio gig due to corporate restructuring. 

It took me a year to find a new path and somehow I found myself back in University for Accounting, of all things. I was on the CA track. I made it through the degree without any problems. I even passed my first professional exam. Unfortunately I failed my 2nd professional exam twice. I took myself out of the CA process because I realized that becoming a CA wasn't my dream. I still wanted to be a voice actor. At this point I had accumulated nearly 6 years of full time accounting experience. I found that I enjoyed bookkeeping.  That's why I took on bookkeeping clients when I left my Accounting job to pursue voice acting.

Bookkeeping gives me the steady cash flow I need to fuel my voice acting venture. Bookkeeping is not my plan B. It is an integral part of my plan A. In fact, I do my own bookkeeping and tax returns. I don't have to pay an accountant to take care of my growing business!

Play to your strengths. Use your human capital to maximize success in the pursuit of your goals.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Great News from LA

There is a little filmed being shopped around at various film festivals right now called "The Adventures of Uncle Colt and Cletus". A few months ago I was asked to do some narration for the film based on an audition I had submitted. I had to sound like an old southern prospector. I did the job and got paid right away, but I never knew if they ended up using my voiceovers. I got confirmation last night that my voiceover made it into the film, which will shown at the Las Vegas Film Festival this summer! Apparently the film will be available to the public some time before Christmas 2013. I can't wait to get my own copy! Yee-Haw!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

USD Exchange

Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Such is the case with US dollar exchange.

I was so excited when I received payment for a little voiceover gig I did a month and a half ago.  I was paid by cheque in US dollars.  I remember hearing recently that inflation is on the rise in Canada and that the Canadian dollar is dropping in value compared to the US dollar.  Analysts expect the Canadian dollar to drop by 3 cents by the end of 2013.  I was happy knowing that I'd be depositing more than $150 Canadian into my account today. Man did I get a nasty little surprise.  My $150 USD got me $145.67 CDN. Why do the banks always win? I'm pretty sure the bank profited off my little deposit today.  145.67/150 = 0.97113333. The Bank of Canada exchange rate on May 7, 2013 is 1.0052. That means I should have received $150.78 CDN for my $150 USD.  My bank took a profit of $5.11.  Today I lose.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I can voice cartoons!

I think it's important to be able to showcase your abilities in a way that people can understand. It's one thing for me to say that I can do character voices for cartoons, but it's much more meaningful to show a sample of my work.  That's why I was excited when I learned about GoAnimate.  It allows me to create my own cartoons quickly and it also allows people better appreciate my claims.  Here's a very simple example of an animation that I made using GoAnimate:

MBC Nightly News with Bom Trokaw by on GoAnimate

Animation - Created by Voice-O-Mattic.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Goodness in Rwanda

I attended a screening of "Goodness in Rwanda" last night.  It's a documentary that was co-directed and narrated by my friend, Gord Rand.  I was blown away.  It has everything.  Drama, humor, moving story telling, and technical excellence.  My brother Pete pointed out to me that the audio was incredible.  The images of Rwanda are beautiful and sometimes shocking.  It was interesting to see someone I know personally in such a foreign environment. This film is a wake up call.  A must see for all self absorbed people like myself. Words cannot do this film justice. 

Friday, April 12, 2013 goes live!

It gives me great pleasure to announce the official launch of my new website!

You take your unwashed clothes to the laundromat and you take your unread scripts to the voicematt..., that is! 

My thanks to Maximilian Kaiser for designing and building this terrific website. is Voice-O-Mattic!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Getting ready to launch!

I'm getting ready to launch my new and improved Voiceover website!  I just finished doing some tweaking with my good friend Max Kaiser.  Max is a terrific graphic designer and he has done a great job with my new website.  We ironed out a bunch of kinks and made sure all of the links work properly and we updated a bunch of the content.  The final step before launching will be adding my professional demos to the sight.  I was in studio with Todd Schick on Wednesday.  He should have things ready for me in around two weeks.  I can't wait.  2013 is my breakout year and things are getting off to a good start.